1. Pneumonia (pneumonia)

      One of the types of lung disease that is dangerous is also known as pneumonia or pneumonia. Pneumonia can arise in different regions of the lung. Lobar pneumonia attack a large chunk of lobe or lung. Lobar pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that affects a large area and is constantly on the lobe of the lung.

In addition, there is also the so-called tuft bronchopneumonia which attacks tissue in one or both lungs.

2. Pleural effusion

         Excess fluid in the double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs called pleural effusion. The two layers of the membrane lining the lung or pleura lubricated by a little fluid allows the lungs to expand and contract with a smooth chest wall. Infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, heart failure, and some cancers can cause fluid collection in the pleura. The number could reach three liters pressing the lungs.


        Pneumothorax is a disease that is found in the membrane of the lung or pleura is called. Pneumothorax occurs if one or both pleural membranes pierced and air into the pleural cavity causing the lung to deflate. Pleural membranes are separated by a very thin layer of pleural fluid that lubricates their movements. A pressure balance between the chest wall, pleural lining, and lung tissue allows the lungs "sucked" into the chest wall.

In pneumothorax, the air into the pleural cavity. A pressure balance is changing and lungs deflate. If more air into the cavity but was not able to get out, the pressure around the higher lung can be life-threatening.

Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur due to rupture of the alveoli are abnormally enlarged on the surface of the lungs or as a result of lung conditions, such as asthma. Another cause is a broken rib and chest injuries.

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